About the Society

The Society of Ancients is a long-established international amateur society for the promotion of the study of ancient and medieval military history and wargaming the period 3000 BC to 1500 AD. It is run by volunteers for the benefit of its worldwide membership.

The Society publishes a bi-monthly journal, Slingshot, containing a wide range of items related to Ancient and Medieval military history and wargaming contributed by Society members.  It organises various events, including an annual games day and members' conference, and runs a wargames championship.  The Society also publishes a number of games and booklets which are available from our web store.

Watch an introductory video here:     

Membership is open to all, and lasts for 6 issues of Slingshot.





Ἀlala! wargames rules by Simon MacDowall are designed to recreate the ethos of ancient Greek warfare when hoplite phalanxes clashed in battle and the gods intervened in the affairs of mortals. Their principal application is for battles between the Greek city states during the Peloponnesian and Boeotian wars of the 5th – 4th centuries BC, but can also be used for the Persian Wars or later Macedonian conquest of Greece.  This game includes a rulebook, quick reference sheet and card deck (the God Pack).

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‘Alala! Quick Reference Sheet (free download)

Download this file if you need additional quick reference sheets to play the ‘Alala wargames rules.

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‘Alala! God Pack Cards (free download)

Download this file if you need additional cards for your God Pack to play the ‘Alala wargames rules.

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The Society needs you!

The Society of Ancients is a volunteer organisation, and relies on its members.  It's very easy to join -– just click on the button below, or for more details, go to the join page, add a membership to your cart and check out using Paypal.  You can alternatively download a postal membership form.  Membership costs £36 for 6 issues of Slingshot (normally a year), plus access to the forum.

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