Contact Us

Please fill in the following form. Direct contact details for individual members of the committee are available in the latest Slingshot.


Contact Us

Pick the "message topic" in the form, and messages will be forwarded automatically to the appropriate party, as follows:
  • Membership Enquires, Missing Slingshots, Changes of Address - The Membership Secretary.
  • Enquires about Society Products or Orders - The Postal Sales Co-ordinator.
  • Material for Slingshot & Products for Review - The Editor.
  • Website Enquiries - The Webmaster.
  • Battle Day Enquiries - The Battle Day co-ordinator.
  • The vendor/trader discount program - Trade Liaison.
  • All Other Correspondence - The Secretary.
  • For any issues not resolved in the first instance by the above - The Ombudsman.
For "who's who" - see the Committee page.